4 Week Program is designed for easy use to go at your own pace
New content will be delivered each week via email including: instruction, guided meditations, resources, and more
Each week you choose a 30-minute timeframe for an instructional session with mindfulness meditation teacher, Erin Sheehan (phone or Zoom!)
Family Mindfulness
Mindfulness practice can provide a natural and effective practice to help cope with life’s stress and anxiety for parents and the entire family. Parents who display mindfulness practice can then bring it to their children in an authentic and strong way.
Benefits for children and adolescents
Increased emotional regulation
Increased social skills
Increased ability to orient attention
Increased working memory and planning and organization
Increased self esteem
Increased sense of calmness, relaxation, and self acceptance.
Increased quality of sleep
Decreased test anxiety
Decreased ADHD behaviors- specifically hyperactivity and impulsivity
Decreased negative affect/ emotions
Decreased anxiety
Decreased depression
Fewer conduct and anger management problems
Retrieved from: http://www.mindfuleducation.org/research/