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Introduction to Mindfulness Blog

Part 2: Why Mindfulness?

Now that you have a better understanding of Mindfulness, let's explore some of the reasons why it's so important into today's world and what the health benefits can be.

Image from Executive Medicine

Image from Executive Medicine

The Age of Stress and Anxiety

We live in a world where anxiety and depression disorders are on the rise, as well as feelings of constant stress. These can have negative effects on the quality of our mental and physical health.



Digital Distraction and Instant Communications

Thanks in part to our always-on technologies, we are people bound to an endless stream of instant information. We turn to our devices to distract us away from our inner lives. This seems to have a direct link to our unhappiness.

Happiness, whether consisting in pleasure or virtue, or both, is more often found with those who are highly cultivated in their minds and in their character, and have only a moderate share of external goods...
— Aristotle

New Research Shows:

The rhythm of breathing directly impacts neural activity in a network of brain areas involved in smell, memory and emotions. (The Guardian, Dec. 2016)

The Benefits of Mindfulness

The APA cites these benefits:

  • Reduced rumination

  • Stress reduction

  • Boost to working memory

  • Focus

  • Less emotional reactivity

  • More cognitive flexibility

  • Relationship satisfaction

Image provided by Elephant Journal

Image provided by Elephant Journal

Continue to Part 3 Below and Start Meditating

Erin Sheehan